Monthly Saturday Class | Saturday, August 16, 2025 | 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Heart of the Valley Yoga | 529 NW 4th St. Corvallis, OR 97330 | $35.00
Working Boundaries
Being human involves living in a body. Our bodies belong to an evolutionary continuum. Returning to a perspective that places humans at home in the natural world rather than apart from it, we are learning to reinhabit ourselves as biological organisms. Because we are biological, we have the logic of life on our side. Life possess innate abilities for adaptation, restoration, and healing. Deepening our connection to our own biology allows us access to these capacities. Join us for one class or the entire series.
What is it to have functional boundaries? How does it feel in our bodies? What space does it open for new possibilities in relationship? In this class we’ll continue our exploration of Being Human with exercises that establish a physical experience of boundary and self-containment. Maintaining this sense of perimeter is critical to healthy relationships; only though boundary do we create the space we need to continue to be ourselves in the presence of other people and other beings. In its most simple, physical expression, the border of our skin is where we meet the world through sense of touch. In this class you’ll have the opportunity to strengthen your experience of establishing and holding boundaries, and begin practicing these skills with other humans in a safe, supportive container. You’ll learn the difference between wearing armor and maintaining a permeable membrane that is simultaneously soft and open to the world and well-contained. You’ll become familiar with your ability to say Yes, No, and Maybe, and give yourself permission to have limits. We’ll also continue our exploration of a brief but potent Qi Gong form that encapsulates the essential aspects of being human. Join us!
No experience necessary. All are welcome to attend.