Private Sessions

Healing is movement. Disease is inertia. If you put the body in motion, you will change.
— Gabrielle Roth

Free 20 minute consults available if you have questions or would like to meet me prior to booking a private session.

Book your Session

  • Dynamic Stretching

    In dynamic stretching, you'll learn to engage your muscles while a stretch coach assists your limbs through functional movement patterns.

    Contraction while in motion develops neuromuscular connections, resulting in increased strength, coordination, and mobility. You'll enjoy enhanced awareness of your physical presence as well as improvements in the health of your tissues.

    If you feel a desire for more confidence and freedom in your movement, come try dynamic stretching!

  • Stretching Package

    Book four sessions at once for a discounted rate!

    Sequential appointments enhance the complexity of your muscular engagement while optimizing fluid circulation, fascial health, and improving postural alignment.

    Dynamic stretching emphasizes balanced muscle tone, specifically targeting areas of weakness, rather than over-developing already dominant muscle groups.

    Each session is specifically tailored to your body in real time, allowing flexibility and strength to develop at the right pace for you.

  • Fluid Movement

    Based in a biocentric understanding of the body as living organism, we evolve your ability to sense center, midline, and the subtle movements of your own longing for life. We tap into the fluid system that governs the body’s healing response, and help you become more coherent in your sense of self.

    We work mostly on the floor, allowing the nervous system to co-regulate through connection with the ground. Emphasis is on receptivity, deeper inhabitation of the bones and core tissue, and practicing somatic listening to restore trust in intuition and instinct. These sessions provide practices you can take home for continued exploration.

  • Movement Package

    Book four sessions at once for a discounted rate!

    Becoming comfortable in our own skin is all about depth. In a Fluid Movement Package, you give yourself the opportunity to sink more and more deeply into your body's innate intelligence. Movement is fundamental to life, and your body knows the motions it needs to make in order to restore its inherent integrity as a living system. Learning to allow this unscripted movement to occur is the invitation of these sessions.

    Come prepared for a deep dive into the fluid terrain of the body and learn to speak the language of sensation.